3-Survivor: A Rough Terrain Negotiable Teleoperated Mobile Rescue Robot with Passive Control Mechanism

by   R. A. Bindu, et al.

This paper presents the design and integration of 3 Survivor, a rough terrain negotiable teleoperated mobile rescue and service robot. 3 Survivor is an improved version of two previously studied surveillance robots named Sigma 3 and Alpha N. In 3 Survivor, a modified double tracked with caterpillar mechanism is incorporated in the body design. A passive adjustment established in the body balance enables the front and rear body to operate in excellent synchronization. Instead of using an actuator, a re configurable dynamic method is constructed with a 6 DOF arm. This dynamic method is configured with the planer, spatial mechanism, rotation matrix, motion control of rotation using inverse kinematics and controlling power consumption of the manipulator using angular momentum. The robot is remotely controlled using a handheld Radio Frequency RF transmitter. 3 Survivor is equipped with a Raspberry Pi 12 MP camera which is used for livestreaming of robot operations. Object detection algorithms are run on the live video stream. The object detection method is built using a Faster RCNN with VGGNet16 architecture of CNN. The entire operations of the robot are monitored through a web control window. Therefore, the control portal provides a brief scenario of the environment to run, control and steer the robot for more precise operation. A very impressive 88.25 percent accuracy is acquired from this module in a rescue operation. Along with the ODM, the sensor system of the robot provides information on the hazardous terrain. The feasibility of the 3 Survivor is tested and presented by different experiments throughout the paper.


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