A bibliometric approach to Systematic Mapping Studies: The case of the evolution and perspectives of community detection in complex networks

by   C. Muñoz-Caro, et al.

Critical analysis of the state of the art is a necessary task when identifying new research lines worthwhile to pursue. To such an end, all the available work related to the field of interest must be taken into account. The key point is how to organize, analyze, and make sense of the huge amount of scientific literature available today on any topic. To tackle this problem, we present here a bibliometric approach to Systematic Mapping Studies (SMS). Thus, a modify SMS protocol is used relying on the scientific references metadata to extract, process and interpret the wealth of information contained in nowadays research literature. As a test case, the procedure is applied to determine the current state and perspectives of community detection in complex networks. Our results show that community detection is a still active, far from exhausted, in development, field. In addition, we find that, by far, the most exploited methods are those related to determining hierarchical community structures. On the other hand, the results show that fuzzy clustering techniques, despite their interest, are underdeveloped as well as the adaptation of existing algorithms to parallel or, more specifically, distributed, computational systems.


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