A Comparative Study of Analog/Digital Self-Interference Cancellation for Full Duplex Radios

by   Jong Woo Kwak, et al.

Self-interference (SI) is the main obstacle to full-duplex radios. To overcome the SI, researchers have proposed several analog and digital domain self-interference cancellation (SIC) techniques. How well the digital cancellation works depends on the results of analog cancellation. Therefore, to analyze overall SIC performance, one should do so in an integrated manner. In this paper, we build a simulator that can analyze the performance of analog and digital SIC techniques. Through this simulator, we can analyze the overall SIC performance within various system parameters such as the resolution of an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) and/or nonlinearity of a power amplifier (PA). With our simulator, we expect that configurations and tuning algorithms of an active analog canceller can be optimized before real hardware implementation.


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