A Further Study of Quadratic APN Permutations in Dimension Nine

by   Christof Beierle, et al.

Recently, Beierle and Leander found two new sporadic quadratic APN permutations in dimension 9. Up to EA-equivalence, we present a single trivariate representation of those two permutations as C_u (đ”Ŋ_2^m)^3 → (đ”Ŋ_2^m)^3, (x,y,z) â†Ļ (x^3+uy^2z, y^3+uxz^2,z^3+ux^2y), where m=3 and u ∈đ”Ŋ_2^3∖{0,1} such that the two permutations correspond to different choices of u. We then analyze the differential uniformity and the nonlinearity of C_u in a more general case. In particular, for m â‰Ĩ 3 being a multiple of 3 and u ∈đ”Ŋ_2^m not being a 7-th power, we show that the differential uniformity of C_u is bounded above by 8, and that the linearity of C_u is bounded above by 8^1+⌊m/2⌋. Based on numerical experiments, we conjecture that C_u is not APN if m is greater than 3. We also analyze the CCZ-equivalence classes of the quadratic APN permutations in dimension 9 known so far and derive a lower bound on the number of their EA-equivalence classes. We further show that the two sporadic APN permutations share an interesting similarity with Gold APN permutations in odd dimension divisible by 3, namely that a function EA-inequivalent to those sporadic APN permutations and their inverses can be obtained by just applying EA transformations and inversion to the original permutations.


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