A matching pursuit approach to the geophysical inverse problem of seismic travel time tomography under the ray theory approximation

by   Naomi Schneider, et al.

Seismic travel time tomography is a geophysical imaging method to infer the 3-D interior structure of the solid Earth. Most commonly formulated as a linear(ized) inverse problem, it maps differences between observed and expected wave travel times to interior regions where waves propagate faster or slower than the expected average. The Earth's interior is typically parametrized by a single kind of localized basis function. Here we present an alternative approach that uses matching pursuits on large dictionaries of basis functions. Within the past decade the (Learning) Inverse Problem Matching Pursuits ((L)IPMPs) have been developed. They combine global and local trial functions. An approximation is built in a so-called best basis, chosen iteratively from an intentionally overcomplete set or dictionary. In each iteration, the choice for the next best basis element reduces the Tikhonov-Phillips functional. This is in contrast to classical methods that use either global or local basis functions. The LIPMPs have proven its applicability in inverse problems like the downward continuation of the gravitational potential as well as the MEG-/EEG-problem from medical imaging. Here, we remodel the Learning Regularized Functional Matching Pursuit (LRFMP), which is one of the LIPMPs, for travel time tomography in a ray theoretical setting. In particular, we introduce the operator, some possible trial functions and the regularization. We show a numerical proof of concept for artificial travel time delays obtained from a contrived model for velocity differences. The corresponding code is available at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8227888 under the licence CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0 DE.


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