A Method For Automated Drone Viewpoints to Support Remote Robot Manipulation

by   Emmanuel Senft, et al.

Drones can provide a minimally-constrained adapting camera view to support robot telemanipulation. Furthermore, the drone view can be automated to reduce the burden on the operator during teleoperation. However, existing approaches do not focus on two important aspects of using a drone as an automated view provider. The first is how the drone should select from a range of quality viewpoints within the workspace (e.g., opposite sides of an object). The second is how to compensate for unavoidable drone pose uncertainty in determining the viewpoint. In this paper, we provide a nonlinear optimization method that yields effective and adaptive drone viewpoints for telemanipulation with an articulated manipulator. Our first key idea is to use sparse human-in-the-loop input to toggle between multiple automatically-generated drone viewpoints. Our second key idea is to introduce optimization objectives that maintain a view of the manipulator while considering drone uncertainty and the impact on viewpoint occlusion and environment collisions. We provide an instantiation of our drone viewpoint method within a drone-manipulator remote teleoperation system. Finally, we provide an initial validation of our method in tasks where we complete common household and industrial manipulations.


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