A nested loop for simultaneous model topology screening, parameters estimation, and identification of the optimal number of experiments: Application to a Simulated Moving Bed u

by   Rodrigo V. A. Santos, et al.

Simulated Moving Bed (SMB) chromatography is a well-known technique for the resolution of several high-value-added compounds. Parameters identification and model topology definition are arduous when one is dealing with complex systems such as a Simulated Moving Bed unit. Moreover, the large number of experiments necessary might be an expansive-long process. Hence, this work proposes a novel methodology for parameter estimation, screening the most suitable topology of the models sink-source (defined by the adsorption isotherm equation) and defining the minimum number of experiments necessary to identify the model. Therefore, a nested loop optimization problem is proposed with three levels considering the three main goals of the work: parameters estimation; topology screening by isotherm definition; minimum number of experiments necessary to yield a precise model. The proposed methodology emulated a real scenario by introducing noise in the data and using a Software-in-the-Loop (SIL) approach. Data reconciliation and uncertainty evaluation add robustness to the parameter estimation adding precision and reliability to the model. The methodology is validated considering experimental data from literature apart from the samples applied for parameter estimation, following a cross-validation. The results corroborate that it is possible to carry out trustworthy parameter estimation directly from an SMB unit with minimal system knowledge.


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