A optimization framework for herbal prescription planning based on deep reinforcement learning
Treatment planning for chronic diseases is a critical task in medical artificial intelligence, particularly in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). However, generating optimized sequential treatment strategies for patients with chronic diseases in different clinical encounters remains a challenging issue that requires further exploration. In this study, we proposed a TCM herbal prescription planning framework based on deep reinforcement learning for chronic disease treatment (PrescDRL). PrescDRL is a sequential herbal prescription optimization model that focuses on long-term effectiveness rather than achieving maximum reward at every step, thereby ensuring better patient outcomes. We constructed a high-quality benchmark dataset for sequential diagnosis and treatment of diabetes and evaluated PrescDRL against this benchmark. Our results showed that PrescDRL achieved a higher curative effect, with the single-step reward improving by 117 Furthermore, PrescDRL outperformed the benchmark in prescription prediction, with precision improving by 40.5 study demonstrates the potential of using artificial intelligence to improve clinical intelligent diagnosis and treatment in TCM.