A repository of automatic GUI test patterns in Android applications: Specification and Analysis using Alloy modeling language

by   Fatemeh Mosayeb, et al.

The software industry aims to provide customers with quality software. Testing software is a critical and sensitive stage in ensuring software quality. Due to the increasing popularity of mobile devices, the use of Android applications has increased. Almost all are equipped with Graphical User Interface to interact with users or systems. GUI is the most common tool to communicate with modern software. Therefore, the perfect GUI is a GUI that ensures the safety, strength, and usability of the whole software system. The GUI testing is a vital stage in ensuring the product quality because the GUI is the user s first impression and the final view of the final product. This paper has proposed a new technique to promote the model based test efficiency using Alloy modeling language. The findings showed that this approach needs less configuration and modeling time than previous methods. Moreover, using GUI patterns may decrease errors and violations.


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