Accelerated solutions of convection-dominated partial differential equations using implicit feature tracking and empirical quadrature

This work introduces an empirical quadrature-based hyperreduction procedure and greedy training algorithm to effectively reduce the computational cost of solving convection-dominated problems with limited training. The proposed approach circumvents the slowly decaying n-width limitation of linear model reduction techniques applied to convection-dominated problems by using a nonlinear approximation manifold systematically defined by composing a low-dimensional affine space with bijections of the underlying domain. The reduced-order model is defined as the solution of a residual minimization problem over the nonlinear manifold. An online-efficient method is obtained by using empirical quadrature to approximate the optimality system such that it can be solved with mesh-independent operations. The proposed reduced-order model is trained using a greedy procedure to systematically sample the parameter domain. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is demonstrated on two shock-dominated computational fluid dynamics benchmarks.


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