Adaptive Gradient Prediction for DNN Training

by   Vahid Janfaza, et al.

Neural network training is inherently sequential where the layers finish the forward propagation in succession, followed by the calculation and back-propagation of gradients (based on a loss function) starting from the last layer. The sequential computations significantly slow down neural network training, especially the deeper ones. Prediction has been successfully used in many areas of computer architecture to speed up sequential processing. Therefore, we propose ADA-GP, that uses gradient prediction adaptively to speed up deep neural network (DNN) training while maintaining accuracy. ADA-GP works by incorporating a small neural network to predict gradients for different layers of a DNN model. ADA-GP uses a novel tensor reorganization to make it feasible to predict a large number of gradients. ADA-GP alternates between DNN training using backpropagated gradients and DNN training using predicted gradients. ADA-GP adaptively adjusts when and for how long gradient prediction is used to strike a balance between accuracy and performance. Last but not least, we provide a detailed hardware extension in a typical DNN accelerator to realize the speed up potential from gradient prediction. Our extensive experiments with fourteen DNN models show that ADA-GP can achieve an average speed up of 1.47x with similar or even higher accuracy than the baseline models. Moreover, it consumes, on average, 34 off-chip memory accesses compared to the baseline hardware accelerator.


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