Adaptive Physics-Informed Neural Operator for Coarse-Grained Non-Equilibrium Flows

by   Ivan Zanardi, et al.

This work proposes a new machine learning (ML)-based paradigm aiming to enhance the computational efficiency of non-equilibrium reacting flow simulations while ensuring compliance with the underlying physics. The framework combines dimensionality reduction and neural operators through a hierarchical and adaptive deep learning strategy to learn the solution of multi-scale coarse-grained governing equations for chemical kinetics. The proposed surrogate's architecture is structured as a tree, where the leaf nodes correspond to separate physics-informed deep operator networks (PI-DeepONets). The hierarchical attribute has two advantages: i) It allows the simplification of the training phase via transfer learning, starting from the slowest temporal scales; ii) It accelerates the prediction step by enabling adaptivity as the surrogate's evaluation is limited to the necessary leaf nodes based on the local degree of non-equilibrium of the gas. The model is applied to the study of chemical kinetics relevant for application to hypersonic flight, and it is tested here on a pure oxygen gas mixture. The proposed ML framework can adaptively predict the dynamics of almost thirty species with a relative error smaller than 4 foundation for constructing an efficient ML-based surrogate coupled with reactive Navier-Stokes solvers for accurately characterizing non-equilibrium phenomena.


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