Algebraic Presentation of Semifree Monads

by   Aloïs Rosset, et al.

Monads and their composition via distributive laws have many applications in program semantics and functional programming. For many interesting monads, distributive laws fail to exist, and this has motivated investigations into weaker notions. In this line of research, Petrişan and Sarkis recently introduced a construction called the semifree monad in order to study semialgebras for a monad and weak distributive laws. In this paper, we prove that an algebraic presentation of the semifree monad M^s on a monad M can be obtained uniformly from an algebraic presentation of M. This result was conjectured by Petrişan and Sarkis. We also show that semifree monads are ideal monads, that the semifree construction is not a monad transformer, and that the semifree construction is a comonad on the category of monads.


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