An Active Network-Based Open Framework for IoT

by   Mahwish Amjad, et al.

Major benefits of wireless sensor nodes of IoT like low cost and easy deployment are advocating their usage in variety of applications. Some of them are health monitoring, agriculture, environmental and habitant monitoring, and water monitoring. Thesenodesareautonomousinnature.Itfollowsthattheyliketooperateinadynamicandadaptivenetworkenvironment.So,the communication mechanism between IoT nodes must be robust and adaptive with respect to the environmental change. Unfortunately, the traditional networking architecture supports limited and fixed network computations. These limitations inhibit flexible and robust IoT nodes communication. In addition,the energy consumption between nodes communication is high due to limited processing. To address these issues,thispapergivesrebirthtotheactivesystem.Theproposedactivenetworkframework brings a novel integration of the active system with recent technologies (software-defined networking and network function virtualization).As a result of integration,theactivesystemrunsasanetworkfunctionvirtualizationunderthecontrolofsoftwaredefinednetworking.Inourview,theamalgamofrecenttechnologieswiththeactivesystemwillpromotearobustandflexibleIoT nodes communication along with reduced energy consumption. Moreover, various design benefits such as security, flexibility, usability,cost,and performance will be added to the system. Additionally,the proposed framework is open and generalized. It can be extended to other networks such as mobile, satellite, and vehicular networks.


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