An artificial intelligence natural language processing pipeline for information extraction in neuroradiology

by   Henry Watkins, et al.

The use of electronic health records in medical research is difficult because of the unstructured format. Extracting information within reports and summarising patient presentations in a way amenable to downstream analysis would be enormously beneficial for operational and clinical research. In this work we present a natural language processing pipeline for information extraction of radiological reports in neurology. Our pipeline uses a hybrid sequence of rule-based and artificial intelligence models to accurately extract and summarise neurological reports. We train and evaluate a custom language model on a corpus of 150000 radiological reports from National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, London MRI imaging. We also present results for standard NLP tasks on domain-specific neuroradiology datasets. We show our pipeline, called `neuroNLP', can reliably extract clinically relevant information from these reports, enabling downstream modelling of reports and associated imaging on a heretofore unprecedented scale.


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