Application of Intelligent Multi Agent Based Systems For E-Healthcare Security

by   Faizal Khan, et al.

In recent years, availability and usage of extensive systems for Electronic Healthcare Record (EHR) is increased. In medical centers such hospitals and other laboratories, more health data sets were formed during the treatment process. In order to enhance the standard of the services provided in healthcare, these records where shared and can be used by various users depends on their requirements. As a result, notable issues in the security and privacy where obtained which should be monitored and removed in order to make the use of EHR more effectively. Various researches have been done in the past literature for improving the standards of the security and privacy in E-health systems. In spite of this, it is not completely enhanced. In this paper, a comprehensive analysis is done by selecting the existing approaches and models which were proposed for the security and privacy of the E-healthcare systems. Also, a novel Intelligent-based Access Control Security Model (IBAC) based on multi agents is proposed to maintain and support the security and privacy of E-healthcare systems. This system uses agents in order to maintain security and privacy while accessing the E-health data between the users.


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