Appsent A Tool That Analyzes App Reviews

by   Saurabh Malgaonkar, et al.

Enterprises are always on the lookout for tools that analyze end-users perspectives on their products. In particular, app reviews have been assessed as useful for guiding improvement efforts and software evolution, however, developers find reading app reviews to be a labor intensive exercise. If such a barrier is eliminated, however, evidence shows that responding to reviews enhances end-users satisfaction and contributes towards the success of products. In this paper, we present Appsent, a mobile analytics tool as an app, to facilitate the analysis of app reviews. This development was led by a literature review on the problem and subsequent evaluation of current available solutions to this challenge. Our investigation found that there was scope to extend currently available tools that analyze app reviews. These gaps thus informed the design and development of Appsent. We subsequently performed an empirical evaluation to validate Appsent usability and the helpfulness of analytics features from users perspective. Outcomes of this evaluation reveal that Appsent provides user-friendly interfaces, helpful functionalities and meaningful analytics. Appsent extracts and visualizes important perceptions from end-users feedback, identifying insights into end-users opinions about various aspects of software features. Although Appsent was developed as a prototype for analyzing app reviews, this tool may be of utility for analyzing product reviews more generally.


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