Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Psychiatry: Insights from a Global Physician Survey

by   P. Murali Doraiswamy, et al.

Futurists have predicted that new technologies, embedded with artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), will lead to substantial job loss in many sectors disrupting many aspects of healthcare. Mental health appears ripe for such disruption given the global illness burden, stigma, and shortage of care providers. Using Sermo, a global networking platform open to verified and licensed physicians, we measured the opinions of psychiatrists about the likelihood that future autonomous technology (referred to as AI/ML) would be able to fully replace the average psychiatrist in performing 10 key tasks (e.g. mental status exam, suicidality assessment, treatment planning) carried out in mental health care. Survey respondents were 791 psychiatrists from 22 countries. Only 3.8 human clinician for providing empathetic care. Documenting (e.g. updating medical records) and synthesizing information to reach a diagnosis were the two tasks where a majority predicted that future AI/ML would replace human doctors. About 1 in 2 doctors believed their jobs could be changed substantially by future AI/ML. However, female and US-based doctors were more uncertain that the possible benefits of AI would outweigh potential risks, versus their male and global counterparts. To our knowledge, this is the first global survey to seek the opinions of physicians on the impact of autonomous AI/ML on the future of psychiatry. Our findings provide compelling insights into how physicians think about intelligent technologies which may better help us integrate such tools and reskill doctors, as needed, to enhance mental health care.


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