Augmented Replay Memory in Reinforcement Learning With Continuous Control

by   Mirza Ramicic, et al.

Online reinforcement learning agents are currently able to process an increasing amount of data by converting it into a higher order value functions. This expansion of the information collected from the environment increases the agent's state space enabling it to scale up to a more complex problems but also increases the risk of forgetting by learning on redundant or conflicting data. To improve the approximation of a large amount of data, a random mini-batch of the past experiences that are stored in the replay memory buffer is often replayed at each learning step. The proposed work takes inspiration from a biological mechanism which act as a protective layer of human brain higher cognitive functions: active memory consolidation mitigates the effect of forgetting of previous memories by dynamically processing the new ones. The similar dynamics are implemented by a proposed augmented memory replay AMR capable of optimizing the replay of the experiences from the agent's memory structure by altering or augmenting their relevance. Experimental results show that an evolved AMR augmentation function capable of increasing the significance of the specific memories is able to further increase the stability and convergence speed of the learning algorithms dealing with the complexity of continuous action domains.


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