Auto-Encoder Neural Network Incorporating X-Ray Fluorescence Fundamental Parameters with Machine Learning
We consider energy-dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) applications where the fundamental parameters method is impractical such as when instrument parameters are unavailable. For example, on a mining shovel or conveyor belt, rocks are constantly moving (leading to varying angles of incidence and distances) and there may be other factors not accounted for (like dust). Neural networks do not require instrument and fundamental parameters but training neural networks requires XRF spectra labelled with elemental composition, which is often limited because of its expense. We develop a neural network model that learns from limited labelled data and learns to invert a forward model. The forward model uses transition energies and probabilities of all elements and parameterized distributions to approximate other fundamental and instrument parameters. We evaluate the model and baseline models on a rock dataset from a lithium mine and identify which elements are appropriate for this method. This model demonstrates the potential to calibrate a neural network in a noisy environment where labelled data is limited.