Automated Identification of Disaster News For Crisis Management Using Machine Learning

A lot of news sources picked up on Typhoon Rai (also known locally as Typhoon Odette), along with fake news outlets. The study honed in on the issue, to create a model that can identify between legitimate and illegitimate news articles. With this in mind, we chose the following machine learning algorithms in our development: Logistic Regression, Random Forest and Multinomial Naive Bayes. Bag of Words, TF-IDF and Lemmatization were implemented in the Model. Gathering 160 datasets from legitimate and illegitimate sources, the machine learning was trained and tested. By combining all the machine learning techniques, the Combined BOW model was able to reach an accuracy of 91.07 precision of 88.33 TF-IDF model was able to reach an accuracy of 91.18 recall of 94.64


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