Automated Timeline Length Selection for Flexible Timeline Summarization

by   Xi Li, et al.

By producing summaries for long-running events, timeline summarization (TLS) underpins many information retrieval tasks. Successful TLS requires identifying an appropriate set of key dates (the timeline length) to cover. However, doing so is challenging as the right length can change from one topic to another. Existing TLS solutions either rely on an event-agnostic fixed length or an expert-supplied setting. Neither of the strategies is desired for real-life TLS scenarios. A fixed, event-agnostic setting ignores the diversity of events and their development and hence can lead to low-quality TLS. Relying on expert-crafted settings is neither scalable nor sustainable for processing many dynamically changing events. This paper presents a better TLS approach for automatically and dynamically determining the TLS timeline length. We achieve this by employing the established elbow method from the machine learning community to automatically find the minimum number of dates within the time series to generate concise and informative summaries. We applied our approach to four TLS datasets of English and Chinese and compared them against three prior methods. Experimental results show that our approach delivers comparable or even better summaries over state-of-art TLS methods, but it achieves this without expert involvement.


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