Automatic Ship Classification Utilizing Bag of Deep Features

by   Sadegh Soleimani Pour, et al.

Detection and classification of ships based on their silhouette profiles in natural imagery is an important undertaking in computer science. This problem can be viewed from a variety of perspectives, including security, traffic control, and even militarism. Therefore, in each of the aforementioned applications, specific processing is required. In this paper, by applying the "bag of words" (BoW), a new method is presented that its words are the features that are obtained using pre-trained models of deep convolutional networks. , Three VGG models are utilized which provide superior accuracy in identifying objects. The regions of the image that are selected as the initial proposals are derived from a greedy algorithm on the key points generated by the Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) method. Using the deep features in the BOW method provides a good improvement in the recognition and classification of ships. Eventually, we obtained an accuracy of 91.8 the ships which shows the improvement of about 5


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