Avatar Work: Telework for Disabled People Unable to Go Outside by Using Avatar Robots "OriHime-D" and Its Verification

by   Kazuaki Takeuchi, et al.

In this study, we propose a telework "avatar work" that enables people with disabilities to engage in physical works such as customer service in order to realize an inclusive society, where we can do anything if we have free mind, even though we are bedridden. In avatar work, disabled people can remotely engage in physical work by operating a proposed robot "OriHime-D" with a mouse or gaze input depending on their own disabilities. As a social implementation initiative of avatar work, we have opened a two-week limited avatar robot cafe and have evaluated remote employment by people with disabilities using OriHime-D. As the results by 10 people with disabilities, we have confirmed that the proposed avatar work leads to mental fulfillment for people with disparities, and can be designed with adaptable workload. In addition, we have confirmed that the work content of the experimental cafe is appropriate for people with a variety of disabilities seeking social participation. This study contributes to fulfillment all through life and lifetime working, and at the same time leads to a solution to the employment shortage problem.


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