B-FICA: BlockChain based Framework for Auto-insurance Claim and Adjudication

by   Chuka Oham, et al.

In this paper, we propose a partitioned BlockChain based Framework for Auto-insurance Claims and Adjudication (B-FICA) for CAVs that tracks both sensor data and entity interactions with two-sided verification. B-FICA uses permissioned BC with two partitions to share information on a need to know basis. It also uses multi-signed transactions for proof of execution of instructions, for reliability and auditability and also uses a dynamic lightweight consensus and validation protocol to prevent evidence alteration. Qualitative evaluation shows that B-FICA is resilient to several security attacks from potential liable entities. Finally, simulations show that compared to the state of the art, B-FICA reduces processing time and its delay overhead is negligible for practical scenarios and at marginal security cost.


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