Balanced k-means for Parallel Geometric Partitioning

by   Moritz von Looz, et al.

Mesh partitioning is an indispensable tool for efficient parallel numerical simulations. Its goal is to minimize communication between the processes of a simulation while achieving load balance. Established graph-based partitioning tools yield a high solution quality; however, their scalability is limited. Geometric approaches usually scale better, but their solution quality may be unsatisfactory for `non-trivial' mesh topologies. In this paper, we present a scalable version of k-means that is adapted to yield balanced clusters. Balanced k-means constitutes the core of our new partitioning algorithm Geographer. Bootstrapping of initial centers is performed with space-filling curves, leading to fast convergence of the subsequent balanced k-means algorithm. Our experiments with up to 16384 MPI processes on numerous benchmark meshes show the following: (i) Geographer produces partitions with a lower communication volume than state-of-the-art geometric partitioners from the Zoltan package; (ii) Geographer scales well on large inputs; (iii) a Delaunay mesh with a few billion vertices and edges can be partitioned in a few seconds.


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