Bayesian Adaptive Selection of Variables for Function-on-Scalar Regression Models

Considering the field of functional data analysis, we developed a new Bayesian method for variable selection in function-on-scalar regression (FOSR). Our approach uses latent variables, allowing an adaptive selection since it can determine the number of variables and which ones should be selected for a function-on-scalar regression model. Simulation studies show the proposed method's main properties, such as its accuracy in estimating the coefficients and high capacity to select variables correctly. Furthermore, we conducted comparative studies with the main competing methods, such as the BGLSS method as well as the group LASSO, the group MCP and the group SCAD. We also used a COVID-19 dataset and some socioeconomic data from Brazil for real data application. In short, the proposed Bayesian variable selection model is extremely competitive, showing significant predictive and selective quality.


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