Binary and Multiclass Classifiers based on Multitaper Spectral Features for Epilepsy Detection

by   Jefferson Tales Oliva, et al.

Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological disorders that can be diagnosed through electroencephalogram (EEG), in which the following epileptic events can be observed: pre-ictal, ictal, post-ictal, and interictal. In this paper, we present a novel method for epilepsy detection into two differentiation contexts: binary and multiclass classification. For feature extraction, a total of 105 measures were extracted from power spectrum, spectrogram, and bispectrogram. For classifier building, eight different machine learning algorithms were used. Our method was applied in a widely used EEG database. As a result, random forest and backpropagation based on multilayer perceptron algorithms reached the highest accuracy for binary (98.75 Subsequently, the statistical tests did not find a model that would achieve a better performance than the other classifiers. In the evaluation based on confusion matrices, it was also not possible to identify a classifier that stands out in relation to other models for EEG classification. Even so, our results are promising and competitive with the findings in the literature.


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