Binary Classification in Unstructured Space With Hypergraph Case-Based Reasoning

by   Alexandre Quemy, et al.

Binary classification is one of the most common problem in machine learning. It consists in predicting whether a given element is of a particular class. In this paper, a new algorithm for binary classification is proposed using a hypergraph representation. Each element to be classified is partitioned according to its interactions with the training set. For each class, the total support is calculated as a convex combination of the evidence strength of the element of the partition. The evidence measure is pre-computed using the hypergraph induced by the training set and iteratively adjusted through a training phase. It does not require structured information, each case being represented by a set of agnostic information atoms. Empirical validation demonstrates its high potential on a wide range of well-known datasets and the results are compared to the state-of-art. The time complexity is given and empirically validated. Its capacity to provide good performances without hyperparameter tuning compared to standard classification methods is studied. Finally, the limitation of the model space is discussed and some potential solutions proposed.


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