Bivariate Analysis of Birth Weight and Gestational Age Depending on Environmental Exposures: Bayesian Distributional Regression with Copulas

by   Jonathan Rathjens, et al.

In this article, we analyze perinatal data with birth weight (BW) as primarily interesting response variable. Gestational age (GA) is usually an important covariate and included in polynomial form. However, in opposition to this univariate regression, bivariate modeling of BW and GA is recommended to distinguish effects on each, on both, and between them. Rather than a parametric bivariate distribution, we apply conditional copula regression, where marginal distributions of BW and GA (not necessarily of the same form) can be estimated independently, and where the dependence structure is modeled conditional on the covariates separately from these marginals. In the resulting distributional regression models, all parameters of the two marginals and the copula parameter are observation-specific. Besides biometric and obstetric information, data on drinking water contamination and maternal smoking are included as environmental covariates. While the Gaussian distribution is suitable for BW, the skewed GA data are better modeled by the three-parametric Dagum distribution. The Clayton copula performs better than the Gumbel and the symmetric Gaussian copula, indicating lower tail dependence (stronger dependence when both variables are low), although this non-linear dependence between BW and GA is surprisingly weak and only influenced by Cesarean section. A non-linear trend of BW on GA is detected by a classical univariate model that is polynomial with respect to the effect of GA. Linear effects on BW mean are similar in both models, while our distributional copula regression also reveals covariates' effects on all other parameters.


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