Blockchain, Fog and IoT Integrated Framework: Review, Architecture and Evaluation

by   Tanweer Alam, et al.

In the next-generation computing, the role of cloud, internet, and smart devices will be capacious. Nowadays we all are familiar with the word smart. This word is used a number of times in our daily life. The Internet of Things (IoT) will produce remarkable different kinds of information from different resources. It can store and process big data in the cloud. The fogging acts as an interface between cloud and IoT. The IoT nodes are also known as fog nodes, these nodes are able to access anywhere within the range of the network. The blockchain is a novel approach to record the transactions in a sequence securely. Developing new blockchains based integrated framework in the architecture of the IoT is one of the emerging approaches to solving the issue of communication security among the IoT public nodes. This research explores a novel approach to integrate blockchain technology with the fog and IoT networks and provides communication security to the internet of smart devices. The framework is tested and implemented in the IoT network. The results are found positive.


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