Bootstrapping Ternary Relation Extractors

by   Ndapandula Nakashole, et al.

Binary relation extraction methods have been widely studied in recent years. However, few methods have been developed for higher n-ary relation extraction. One limiting factor is the effort required to generate training data. For binary relations, one only has to provide a few dozen pairs of entities per relation, as training data. For ternary relations (n=3), each training instance is a triplet of entities, placing a greater cognitive load on people. For example, many people know that Google acquired Youtube but not the dollar amount or the date of the acquisition and many people know that Hillary Clinton is married to Bill Clinton by not the location or date of their wedding. This makes higher n-nary training data generation a time consuming exercise in searching the Web. We present a resource for training ternary relation extractors. This was generated using a minimally supervised yet effective approach. We present statistics on the size and the quality of the dataset.


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