BugSwarm: Mining and Continuously Growing a Dataset of Reproducible Failures and Fixes

by   Naji Dmeiri, et al.

Fault-detection, localization, and repair methods are vital to software quality; but it is difficult to evaluate their generality, applicability, and current effectiveness. Large, diverse, realistic datasets of durably-reproducible faults and fixes are vital to good experimental evaluation of approaches to software quality, but they are difficult and expensive to assemble and keep current. Modern continuous-integration (CI) approaches, like Travis-CI, which are widely used, fully configurable, and executed within custom-built containers, promise a path toward much larger defect datasets. If we can identify and archive failing and subsequent passing runs, the containers will provide a substantial assurance of durable future reproducibility of build and test. Several obstacles, however, must be overcome to make this a practical reality. We describe BugSwarm, a toolset that navigates these obstacles to enable the creation of a scalable, diverse, realistic, continuously growing set of durably reproducible failing and passing versions of real-world, open-source systems. The BugSwarm toolkit has already gathered 3,091 fail-pass pairs, in Java and Python, all packaged within fully reproducible containers. Furthermore, the toolkit can be run periodically to detect fail-pass activities, thus growing the dataset continually.


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