Byzantine Fault Tolerant Distributed Linear Regression

by   Nirupam Gupta, et al.

This paper considers the problem of Byzantine fault tolerant distributed linear regression. The system comprises of a server and n number of agents, where each agent i is holding some data points and responses. Up to f of the n agents in the system are Byzantine faulty and the identity of Byzantine faulty agents is apriori unknown to the server. The datasets and responses of honest agents are related linearly through a common parameter, which is to be determined by the server. This seemingly simple problem is challenging to solve due to the Byzantine (or adversarial) nature of faulty agents. We propose a simple norm filtering technique that "robustifies" the original distributed gradient descent algorithm to solve the aforementioned regression problem when f/n is less than a specified threshold value. The computational complexity of the proposed filtering technique is O(n (d + n)) and the resultant algorithm is shown to be partially asynchronous. Unlike existing algorithms for Byzantine fault tolerance in distributed statistical learning, the proposed algorithm does not rely on assumptions on the probability distribution of agents' data points. The proposed algorithm also solves a more general distributed multi-agent optimization problem under Byzantine faults.


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