CellDefectNet: A Machine-designed Attention Condenser Network for Electroluminescence-based Photovoltaic Cell Defect Inspection

by   Carol Xu, et al.

Photovoltaic cells are electronic devices that convert light energy to electricity, forming the backbone of solar energy harvesting systems. An essential step in the manufacturing process for photovoltaic cells is visual quality inspection using electroluminescence imaging to identify defects such as cracks, finger interruptions, and broken cells. A big challenge faced by industry in photovoltaic cell visual inspection is the fact that it is currently done manually by human inspectors, which is extremely time consuming, laborious, and prone to human error. While deep learning approaches holds great potential to automating this inspection, the hardware resource-constrained manufacturing scenario makes it challenging for deploying complex deep neural network architectures. In this work, we introduce CellDefectNet, a highly efficient attention condenser network designed via machine-driven design exploration specifically for electroluminesence-based photovoltaic cell defect detection on the edge. We demonstrate the efficacy of CellDefectNet on a benchmark dataset comprising of a diversity of photovoltaic cells captured using electroluminescence imagery, achieving an accuracy of  86.3 possessing just 410K parameters ( 13× lower than EfficientNet-B0, respectively) and  115M FLOPs ( 12× lower than EfficientNet-B0) and  13× faster on an ARM Cortex A-72 embedded processor when compared to EfficientNet-B0.


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