Cluster Size Management in Multi-Stage Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering of Acoustic Speech Segments

by   Lerato Lerato, et al.

Agglomerative hierarchical clustering (AHC) requires only the similarity between objects to be known. This is attractive when clustering signals of varying length, such as speech, which are not readily represented in fixed-dimensional vector space. However, AHC is characterised by O(N^2) space and time complexity, making it infeasible for partitioning large datasets. This has recently been addressed by an approach based on the iterative re-clustering of independent subsets of the larger dataset. We show that, due to its iterative nature, this procedure can sometimes lead to unchecked growth of individual subsets, thereby compromising its effectiveness. We propose the integration of a simple space management strategy into the iterative process, and show experimentally that this leads to no loss in performance in terms of F-measure while guaranteeing that a threshold space complexity is not breached.


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