CNN-based Approach for Cervical Cancer Classification in Whole-Slide Histopathology Images

by   Ferdaous Idlahcen, et al.

Cervical cancer will cause 460 000 deaths per year by 2040, approximately 90 are Sub-Saharan African women. A constantly increasing incidence in Africa making cervical cancer a priority by the World Health Organization (WHO) in terms of screening, diagnosis, and treatment. Conventionally, cancer diagnosis relies primarily on histopathological assessment, a deeply error-prone procedure requiring intelligent computer-aided systems as low-cost patient safety mechanisms but lack of labeled data in digital pathology limits their applicability. In this study, few cervical tissue digital slides from TCGA data portal were pre-processed to overcome whole-slide images obstacles and included in our proposed VGG16-CNN classification approach. Our results achieved an accuracy of 98,26 transfer learning on this weakly-supervised task.


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