Composable Security of Generalized BB84 Protocols Against General Attacks

by   Michel Boyer, et al.

Quantum key distribution (QKD) protocols make it possible for two parties to generate a secret shared key. One of the most important QKD protocols, BB84, was suggested by Bennett and Brassard in 1984. Various proofs of unconditional security for BB84 have been suggested, but the first security proofs were not composable. Here we improve a security proof of BB84 given by [Biham, Boyer, Boykin, Mor, and Roychowdhury, J. Cryptology, 19(4):381-439, 2006] to be composable and match the state-of-the-art results for BB84, and we extend it to prove unconditional security of several variants of the BB84 protocol. Our composable security proof for BB84 and its variants is mostly self-contained, algebraic, and relatively simple, and it gives tight finite-key bounds.


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