Compressed Sensing and Matrix Completion with Constant Proportion of Corruptions

by   Xiaodong Li, et al.

We improve existing results in the field of compressed sensing and matrix completion when sampled data may be grossly corrupted. We introduce three new theorems. 1) In compressed sensing, we show that if the m × n sensing matrix has independent Gaussian entries, then one can recover a sparse signal x exactly by tractable ℓ1 minimimization even if a positive fraction of the measurements are arbitrarily corrupted, provided the number of nonzero entries in x is O(m/(log(n/m) + 1)). 2) In the very general sensing model introduced in "A probabilistic and RIPless theory of compressed sensing" by Candes and Plan, and assuming a positive fraction of corrupted measurements, exact recovery still holds if the signal now has O(m/(log^2 n)) nonzero entries. 3) Finally, we prove that one can recover an n × n low-rank matrix from m corrupted sampled entries by tractable optimization provided the rank is on the order of O(m/(n log^2 n)); again, this holds when there is a positive fraction of corrupted samples.


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