ConfEx: A Framework for Automating Text-based Software Configuration Analysis in the Cloud

by   Ozan Tuncer, et al.

Modern cloud services have complex architectures, often comprising many software components, and depend on hundreds of configurations parameters to function correctly, securely, and with high performance. Due to the prevalence of open-source software, developers can easily deploy services using third-party software without mastering the configurations of that software. As a result, configuration errors (i.e., misconfigurations) are among the leading causes of service disruptions and outages. While existing cloud automation tools ease the process of service deployment and management, support for detecting misconfigurations in the cloud has not been addressed thoroughly, likely due to the lack of frameworks suitable for consistent parsing of unstandardized configuration files. This paper introduces ConfEx, a framework that enables discovery and extraction of text-based software configurations in the cloud. ConfEx uses a novel vocabulary-based technique to identify configuration files in cloud system instances with unlabeled content. To extract the information in these files, ConfEx leverages existing configuration parsers and post-processes the extracted data for analysis. We show that ConfEx achieves over 99 on 7805 popular Docker Hub images. Using two applied examples, we demonstrate that ConfEx also enables detecting misconfigurations in the cloud via existing tools that are designed for configurations represented as key-value pairs, revealing 184 errors in public Docker Hub images.


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