Considerations on the EMF Exposure Relating to the Next Generation Non-Terrestrial Networks

by   Amina Fellan, et al.

The emerging fifth generation (5G) and the upcoming sixth generation (6G) communication technologies introduce the use of space- and airborne networks in their architectures under the scope of non-terrestrial networks (NTNs). With this integration of satellite and aerial platform networks, better coverage, network flexibility and easier deployment can be achieved. Correspondingly, satellite broadband internet providers have launched an increasing number of small satellites operating in low earth orbit (LEO). These recent developments imply an increased electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure to humans and the environment. In this work, we provide a short overview of the state of consumer-grade satellite networks including broadband satellites and future NTN services. We also consider the regulatory state governing their operation within the context of EMF exposure. Finally, we highlight the aspects that are relevant to the assessment of EMF exposure in relation to NTNs.


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