Correlation of Data Reconstruction Error and Shrinkages in Pair-wise Distances under Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

In this on-going work, I explore certain theoretical and empirical implications of data transformations under the PCA. In particular, I state and prove three theorems about PCA, which I paraphrase as follows: 1). PCA without discarding eigenvector rows is injective, but looses this injectivity when eigenvector rows are discarded 2). PCA without discarding eigen- vector rows preserves pair-wise distances, but tends to cause pair-wise distances to shrink when eigenvector rows are discarded. 3). For any pair of points, the shrinkage in pair-wise distance is bounded above by an L1 norm reconstruction error associated with the points. Clearly, 3). suggests that there might exist some correlation between shrinkages in pair-wise distances and mean square reconstruction error which is defined as the sum of those eigenvalues associated with the discarded eigenvectors. I therefore decided to perform numerical experiments to obtain the corre- lation between the sum of those eigenvalues and shrinkages in pair-wise distances. In addition, I have also performed some experiments to check respectively the effect of the sum of those eigenvalues and the effect of the shrinkages on classification accuracies under the PCA map. So far, I have obtained the following results on some publicly available data from the UCI Machine Learning Repository: 1). There seems to be a strong cor- relation between the sum of those eigenvalues associated with discarded eigenvectors and shrinkages in pair-wise distances. 2). Neither the sum of those eigenvalues nor pair-wise distances have any strong correlations with classification accuracies. 1


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