Crowd-sensing commuting patterns using multi-source wireless data: a case of Helsinki commuter trains

by   Zhiren Huang, et al.

Understanding the mobility patterns of commuter train passengers is crucial for developing efficient and sustainable transportation systems in urban areas. Traditional technologies, such as Automated Passenger Counters (APC) can measure the aggregated numbers of passengers entering and exiting trains, however, they do not provide detailed information nor passenger movements beyond the train itself. To overcome this limitation we investigate the potential combination of traditional APC with an emerging source capable of collecting detailed mobility demand data. This new data source derives from the pilot project TravelSense, led by the Helsinki Regional Transport Authority (HSL), which utilizes Bluetooth beacons and HSL's mobile phone ticket application to track anonymous passenger multimodal trajectories from origin to destination. By combining TravelSense data with APC we are able to better understand the structure of train users' journeys by identifying the origin and destination locations, modes of transport used to access commuter train stations, and boarding and alighting numbers at each station. These insights can assist public transport planning decisions and ultimately help to contribute to the goal of sustainable cities and communities by promoting the use of seamless and environmentally friendly transportation options.


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