Data-Driven Track Following Control for Dual Stage-Actuator Hard Disk Drives

In this paper, we present a frequency domain data-driven feedback control design methodology for the design of tracking controllers for hard disk drives with two-stage actuator as a part of the open invited track 'Benchmark Problem on Control System Design of Hard Disk Drive with a Dual-Stage Actuator' in the IFAC World Congress 2023 (Yokohoma, Japan). The benchmark models are Compared to the traditional controller design, we improve robustness and avoid model mismatch by using multiple frequency response plant measurements directly instead of plant models. Disturbance rejection and corresponding error minimization is posed as an H2 norm minimization problem with H infinity and H2 norm constraints. H infinity norm constraints are used to shape the closed loop transfer functions and ensure closed loop stability and H2 norm constraints are used to constrain and/or minimize the variance of relevant.


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