Decision Making For Celebrity Branding: An Opinion Mining Approach Based On Polarity And Sentiment Analysis Using Twitter Consumer-Generated Content (CGC)

by   Ali Nikseresht, et al.

The volume of discussions concerning brands within social media provides digital marketers with great opportunities for tracking and analyzing the feelings and views of consumers toward brands, products, influencers, services, and ad campaigns in CGC. The present study aims to assess and compare the performance of firms and celebrities (i.e., influencers that with the experience of being in an ad campaign of those companies) with the automated sentiment analysis that was employed for CGC at social media while exploring the feeling of the consumers toward them to observe which influencer (of two for each company) had a closer effect with the corresponding corporation on consumer minds. For this purpose, several consumer tweets from the pages of brands and influencers were utilized to make a comparison of machine learning and lexicon-based approaches to the sentiment analysis through the Naive algorithm (lexicon-based) and Naive Bayes algorithm (machine learning method) and obtain the desired results to assess the campaigns. The findings suggested that the approaches were dissimilar in terms of accuracy; the machine learning method yielded higher accuracy. Finally, the results showed which influencer was more appropriate according to their existence in previous campaigns and helped choose the right influencer in the future for our company and have a better, more appropriate, and more efficient ad campaign subsequently. It is required to conduct further studies on the accuracy improvement of the sentiment classification. This approach should be employed for other social media CGC types. The results revealed decision-making for which sentiment analysis methods are the best approaches for the analysis of social media. It was also found that companies should be aware of their consumers' sentiments and choose the right person every time they think of a campaign.


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