Deep Density: circumventing the Kohn-Sham equations via symmetry preserving neural networks

by   Leonardo Zepeda-Núñez, et al.

The recently developed Deep Potential [Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 143001, 2018] is a powerful method to represent general inter-atomic potentials using deep neural networks. The success of Deep Potential rests on the proper treatment of locality and symmetry properties of each component of the network. In this paper, we leverage its network structure to effectively represent the mapping from the atomic configuration to the electron density in Kohn-Sham density function theory (KS-DFT). By directly targeting at the self-consistent electron density, we demonstrate that the adapted network architecture, called the Deep Density, can effectively represent the electron density as the linear combination of contributions from many local clusters. The network is constructed to satisfy the translation, rotation, and permutation symmetries, and is designed to be transferable to different system sizes. We demonstrate that using a relatively small number of training snapshots, Deep Density achieves excellent performance for one-dimensional insulating and metallic systems, as well as systems with mixed insulating and metallic characters. We also demonstrate its performance for real three-dimensional systems, including small organic molecules, as well as extended systems such as water (up to 512 molecules) and aluminum (up to 256 atoms).


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