Demystifying estimands in cluster-randomised trials
Estimands can help clarify the interpretation of treatment effects and ensure that estimators are aligned to the study's objectives. Cluster randomised trials require additional attributes to be defined within the estimand compared to individually randomised trials, including whether treatment effects are marginal or cluster specific, and whether they are participant or cluster average. In this paper, we provide formal definitions of estimands encompassing both these attributes using potential outcomes notation and describe differences between them. We then provide an overview of estimators for each estimand that are asymptotically unbiased under minimal assumptions. Then, through a reanalysis of a published cluster randomised trial, we demonstrate that estimates corresponding to the different estimands can vary considerably. Estimated odds ratios corresponding to different estimands varied by more than 30 percent, from 3.69 to 4.85. We conclude that careful specification of the estimand, along with appropriate choice of estimator, are essential to ensuring that cluster randomised trials are addressing the right question.