Determination of the Internet Anonymity Influence on the Level of Aggression and Usage of Obscene Lexis
This article deals with the analysis of the semantic content of the anonymous Russian-speaking forum, different verbal means of expressing of the emotional state of aggression are revealed for this site, and aggression is classified by its directions. The lexis of different Russian-and English- speaking anonymous forums ( and, and public community "MDK" of the Russian-speaking social network VK is analyzed and compared with the Open Corpus of the Russian language ( and Brown corpus). The analysis shows that anonymity has no influence on the amount of invective items usage. The effectiveness of moderation was shown for anonymous forums. It was established that Russian obscene lexis was used to express the emotional state of aggression only in 60.4 These preliminary results show that the Russian obscene lexis on the Internet does not have direct dependence on the emotional state of aggression.