DeTorrent: An Adversarial Padding-only Traffic Analysis Defense

by   James K Holland, et al.

While anonymity networks like Tor aim to protect the privacy of their users, they are vulnerable to traffic analysis attacks such as Website Fingerprinting (WF) and Flow Correlation (FC). Recent implementations of WF and FC attacks, such as Tik-Tok and DeepCoFFEA, have shown that the attacks can be effectively carried out, threatening user privacy. Consequently, there is a need for effective traffic analysis defense. There are a variety of existing defenses, but most are either ineffective, incur high latency and bandwidth overhead, or require additional infrastructure. As a result, we aim to design a traffic analysis defense that is efficient and highly resistant to both WF and FC attacks. We propose DeTorrent, which uses competing neural networks to generate and evaluate traffic analysis defenses that insert 'dummy' traffic into real traffic flows. DeTorrent operates with moderate overhead and without delaying traffic. In a closed-world WF setting, it reduces an attacker's accuracy by 60.5 reduction 9.5 state-of-the-art FC attacker, DeTorrent reduces the true positive rate for a 10^-4 false positive rate to about .30, which is less than half that of the next-best defense. We also demonstrate DeTorrent's practicality by deploying it alongside the Tor network and find that it maintains its performance when applied to live traffic.


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