Developing a supervised training algorithm for limited precision feed-forward spiking neural networks

by   Evangelos Stromatias, et al.

Spiking neural networks have been referred to as the third generation of artificial neural networks where the information is coded as time of the spikes. There are a number of different spiking neuron models available and they are categorized based on their level of abstraction. In addition, there are two known learning methods, unsupervised and supervised learning. This thesis focuses on supervised learning where a new algorithm is proposed, based on genetic algorithms. The proposed algorithm is able to train both synaptic weights and delays and also allow each neuron to emit multiple spikes thus taking full advantage of the spatial-temporal coding power of the spiking neurons. In addition, limited synaptic precision is applied; only six bits are used to describe and train a synapse, three bits for the weights and three bits for the delays. Two limited precision schemes are investigated. The proposed algorithm is tested on the XOR classification problem where it produces better results for even smaller network architectures than the proposed ones. Furthermore, the algorithm is benchmarked on the Fisher iris classification problem where it produces higher classification accuracies compared to SpikeProp, QuickProp and Rprop. Finally, a hardware implementation on a microcontroller is done for the XOR problem as a proof of concept. Keywords: Spiking neural networks, supervised learning, limited synaptic precision, genetic algorithms, hardware implementation.


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